Sunday, October 6, 2013

Week 1--2 cultures.

The idea of "Two Cultures" was something I really never thought of until reading the material and watching the lectures for this class. After analyzing and reading about this idea of two different cultures between art and science, I realized that the cultures are especially separated when you start college. The
reason for this is because people usually focus on a certain subject rather than a variety of subjects in which you do in middle school and high school. Like in what C.P. Snow says in his article I find myself hanging out with the people of my same major. I am a history major so I start my day hanging around people that study the same thing as me. However, one of my good friends is a mathematics and econ major and it is obvious how different the brain waves are between the two of us. Like the article of the “Third Culture” says people think that the people that study science or think more concretely are looked as or being known as nerds. I have found myself calling my friend a nerd very often but not because of any other reason but because of what he studies. With the separation of the two campuses it restraints the possibilities for someone to gain the knowledge and understanding of the way the other campus thinks.

 The thing I found most interesting in all the lecture videos was the video of the “Changing Educational Paradigms”. It makes sense on how much our educational systems have changed and how kids have
this way of thinking that they can just get these pills or stimulants that help them focus while in reality they may not need them. Technology has changed the way of educational systems in the terms of the way teachers teach and the way students are distracted with I phones and things of that sort during class.

Overall, after reading the different authors and watching the lectures it has made me realize that we should not shut down our minds to different ideas or be closed minded just because I am part of one side of campus or study only one specific subject but instead keep in open mind.


RSA Animate. "Changing Educational Paradigms" YouTube. Oct 14, 2010. Oct, 6 2013,

Snow, C.P. "Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution" The Rede Lecture, 1959. Cambridge University Press, New York.

Kelly, Kevin. "Third Culture".

Pinker, Steven. "Two Cultures" YouTube, May, 18 2010. Oct 6, 2013.

Vesna, Victoria. Leonardo. "Toward a Third Culture: Being in Between" JStor, 2001. http://links.jstor/sici?sici=0024-094X%282001%2934%3A2%3C121%3ATATCBI%3E2.0.CO%3B2-3



  1. Hey Nick! I really like the way you looked at this article. I also found the Changing Educational Pradigms interesting. I liked how you mentioned that two cultures start in college because we start specializing but I would argue that in high school we're also separated by cliques and the two cultures become te popular kids and the unpopular kids. Great blog!

  2. Hello NVT,
    Your ideas inspired me to think of the two cultures in a different way. I like that you portrayed this notion in a very logical fashion in which I can understand and relate to what you are saying. I too have these real life experiences associating myself with people of different majors and i can definitely tell the difference between the two. I agree that for whatever reason we tend to think of the math/science majors as more of the "nerds". Its just a testament to how much society molds our views of the world.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I hear you on not knowing the other side and I think this is great that you are able to share ideas and compare your different thoughts on things. Although I agree with you on the fact that by coming to college we are indeed geared toward gearing towards a specific career. I must also consider the fact that many of my friends and people that I know personally, that have graduated , have gone off to do something completely different. I agree with your statement on the video, it totally changed my perspectives on my school years. The most important thing that I got from it was that we should definitely think past standardizing everything and see what we can do to help on an individual level.

  5. Hey Nick,

    Great job on structuring your blog. For next time, I would just take care to maybe edit it or do a grammar check.

    I'd be interested to hear more on your thoughts of using technology to benefit students as opposed to having it just be a distraction.

